Peer-Review Process
Yayasan Nurul Iman Muara Gading Mas employs an online submission and review system. The submission and peer review of every manuscript must be managed using this system and based on the following Peer Review Policy.
- Each submitted manuscript will be initially reviewed by the acquisition editor to check the suitability of the template, focus and scope, and manuscript submission policy. If the manuscript is appropriate, the manuscript will be sent to the reviewer. Otherwise, the manuscript will be sent back to the author for revision to match the manuscript template.
- Each manuscript is reviewed by a peer-reviewer. The reviewer assesses the manuscript from the writing quality and substance aspects, which include novelty, authenticity, comprehensiveness, scientific impact, usefulness, validity of citation, and bibliography.
- The reviewer receives a double-blind review manuscript from the acquisition editor or secretariat. If not in accordance with his/her competence, the reviewer has the right to reject the manuscript and recommend it to other reviewers who are more competent.
- The acquisition and section editors shall decide on manuscript acceptance according to the reviewer’s critical comments.
- The acquisition and section editors will send the final decision regarding the submission to the corresponding author based on the reviewer’s recommendation.
- Yayasan Nurul Iman Muara Gading Mas shall protect the confidentiality of all material submitted to the publisher and all communications with reviewers.